WIP-M1 - Work progress screen
WIP-M1 - Work progress screen
Use example
With resource
Main actor: Worker
- Scanned resource with product='unpainted window frame', number=WF-01, quantity=1
- The system recognized the resource to be related to order ORD-01, the system detects that the resources product is in the input of the painting operation so it displays the context of the resource and operation details.
- Noticed that there are some notes in the description that this is a custom job so he scans the 'View attachment' action code.
- Browsed the document by scanning the scroll action codes, this window is to be painted in two colors.
- Scanned the back action and returns to the main screen.
- Noticed that in the inputs two paint pigments have been added instead of the usual one pigment.
- Scanned the Scan inputs action.
- Scanned how much pain we actually used
- Scanned the resource with product='unpainted window frame', number=WF-01 that it has been actually consumed
- Scanned the back action
- Scanned the Scan output action.
- Scanned create resource
- Scanned resource number=WF-01
- Scanned 'painted windows' products number
- Scanned warehouse 'painting station PS1 output'
- Scanned the resource number to note its quantity
- Scanned back action
- Scanned create resource
- Scanned stop work code
With just an order
Main actor: Worker
Very similar to the 'with resource' scenario but instead of scanning the resource to determine the context we scan an orders number. The operation is determined by the work station.
, multiple selections available,