Roadmap of the qcadoo MES project
List of milestone releases.
There may be some smaller releases between them.
Older implemented milestones can be found here.
Short term milestones
Sprint leads:
- Alina Brauer
In Community Edition:
- planned worker assignment to shift and production line vs effective list of attendance
- labor cost norms based on list of attendance
- more in this list of issues
Plus in Enterprise Edition:
- basic integration with CDN XL
Long term milestones
Some are likely to change in detail
In Community Edition:
- NTM - New technology mechanism
- improve overall consistency of features from various modules
- GUI improvements
- more in this list of issues
In Community Edition:
- bug fixes and small improvements
- more in this list of issues
Plus in Enterprise Edition:
- visual production planning
- integration improvments
In Community Edition:
- new GUI improvements
- better keybord support in GUI
Plus in Enterprise Edition:
Details in this list of issues
In Community edition:
- start of refactorings for 2.0.0
Both in Community and Enterprise Edition system-wide:
- data model review and refactoring
- GUI review and refactoring
- modularity review and refactoring
- full dictionary of terms and phrases in documentation
- framework/platform improvments
Details in this list of issues
In Enterprise Edition:
- salary by the job calculation (integration with external HR)
Details in this list of issues
In Community Edition:
- push orders - orders to process components
Plus in Enterprise Edition:
- Cloud manufacturing:
- online subcontracting and collaboration with suppliers
- order progress monitoring by customers
Details in this list of issues