New graph-based concept

New graph-based concept




  • new data model in which we have a list of operations, their outputs and inputs
  • each operation can have multiple output products which are not waste
  • we configure each output/input to define what happens to the product
  • dependencies can be optionally added
  • the technology it self can have multiple output products
  • the goal of an technology migth be to:
    • produce a certain product or multiple products
    • process certain a component or multipe  components

Production orders

  • two types:
    • for line - nearest to the current concept
    • master -which combines many orders for lines
  • we totally redefine our warehouse integration
  • production orders can represent an order to:
    • produce a certain product or multiple products
    • process certain a component or multipe  components


  • the simplified algorithm would return and would be available for technologies without well defined dependencies
  • the normal algorithms would be defined for technologies with well defined dependencies
  • these calculations would also have take into account that the technologies can have multiple output products
  • a big reimplementation is required because we wont be basic assumption that the technology is a tree will be gone


  • because of the new integration model batch numbers for production orders inputs and outputs could become mandatoty for communication between system
  • this gives us a lot of flexibility to register and balace many types of production but calculations may not be possible for all dependency configurations
  • the dependancy editor would have to be a totaly new visual component if we would not want to have z fully tabular less intuitive GUI
  • generation production order for lines from a master production order may by quite complex and require interaction with the user