New valid status for technology

New valid status for technology

Issue: QCADOOMES-720


We'll add a new optional Checked status to the technologies lifecycle in which:

  • the technology is validated
  • is not editable
  • can be taken back to the draft state
  • taking the technology back to the draft state should remove this technology from draf orders, if there ware any orders we should show an info message (without autohide) with the following message with order numbers from which it was removed: Technology was removed from the following orders: {order number}, {order number}, ...
  • can only by used in orders with planning status
  • you still must not be able to accept an order with a non-accepted technology
  • can by used (with order) in calculations and reports
  • the orders plugin should show a message (without autohide)when the technology enters the checked status with the message: To test how reports and calculations will work for the technology please create a test order for it from which you will be able to do some tests. Please remember that you wont be able to accept any order with this technology until it is also accept.

New life cycle