Inventory Module

Inventory Module

Issue: http://issues.qcadoo.org/browse/QCADOOMES-122



  • monitor transports between warehouses
  • monitor processing of goods
  • check the inventory in warehouses
  • make corrections in the inventory

This is actually very similar on to the warehouse example plug-in but we will concentrate on the product flow over here instead on the current inventory state.

Issue: http://issues.qcadoo.org/browse/QCADOOMES-122

User story

We have a sawmill company which transports various products among their facilities. The companies managers would like to have a history of what was going in and out of those facilities. This is done now using paper notes. Additionally once a month the selected company workers do a inventory check of the goods that are in place in those facilities. The managers would also like to know what should be in those facilities on the present moment.

At first the system should be a duplication of those paper notes and the transfers will be registered post-factum. But after this has been battle-tested we plan to do an additional module that can prepare cheap data collectors which will eliminate those paper notes. However those data collectors will work offline and will send their data to the system at the end of the day.

A simplified diagram of the production line shows the most important point where the product flow will be monitored in the sawmills production line:




  • The inventory table is not editable. It represents the sum of the records from the transfers table and the corrections table
  • Quantity of product in warehouse = last inventory in that warehouse of that product + incoming transports after the last inventory - outgoing transports after the last inventory
  • The should be field in the corrections table is always calculated in the same manner as the Quantity of product in warehouse field but only takes in