General GUI

General GUI

Numeric fields with uneditable suffix

We also use this convention now for quantity fields with uneditable units (determined by the product) for now.

This will change then we implement the quantity field QCADOO-117 which will take advantage of the products unit conversions.

Lookup pre-set filtering

Lookups should only have filtering pre-set only if the filtering rule is very simple. By simple I mean it is dependent on just one filed or relationship.

Even simple rules can be not obvious to the user. In this case a text below the lookups grid should be present to explain which entities are shown or which are left out.

Never ever use complex filtering rules which can lead the user to a question: Why is my order/record/operation/... not show in this lookup ?

He will call the help desk and YOU will have to figure it out which filtering rule omitted the entity.

Filtering lookups does NOT replace validation. It should still be in place because:

We have to implement QCADOO-318 to be able to do that text descripton