Window definition
2. window definition
2.1 general informations
Window is basic root component. It can contain all types of components (besides another 'window'). Window is represented in browser as 'white page'. Every window has ribbon on top.
2.2 xml structure
Window can be defined in two modes:
2.2.1 Basic window
Definition of basic window is simillar to definitions of other components:
<component type="window" name="windowName" reference="windowReferenceName"> <ribbon alignment="alignValue"> // HERE YOU PUT RIBBON GROUP DEFINITIONS </ribbon> // HERE YOU PUT WINDOW CONTENT COMPONENTS DEFINITIONS </component>
- windowName - is a name of window component
- windowReferenceName - is a reference name of window component
- alignValue - see ribbon definition
2.2.2 Tabbed window
Tabbed window defines window which content is splitted into one or more tabs. Its definition is:
<component type="window" name="windowName" reference="windowReferenceName"> <ribbon alignment="alignValue"> // HERE YOU PUT COMMON RIBBON GROUP DEFINITIONS </ribbon> <windowTab name="tabName" reference="tabReferenceName" defaultVisible="boolean"> <ribbon> // HERE YOU PUT RIBBON GROUP DEFINITIONS FOR THIS TAB </ribbon> // HERE YOU PUT TAB CONTENT COMPONENTS DEFINITIONS </windowTab> // HERE YOU CAN PUT ANOTHER TAB DEFINITIONS </component>
Notice, that every tab has structure simillar to window component.
If tabbed window contains only one tab, it looks exacly the same as basic window.
2.2.3 extra options
Window component can have extra options:
This option defines if window has header. It can contain two values: 'true' or 'false'. Default value is 'true'.
This option defines if window has fixed height. It can contain two values: 'true' or 'false'. If set to 'true', window will be always resizying to fit to the browswer's screen (vertical scroll will be inside). Default value is 'false'.
2.3 ribbon definition
Ribbon is menu-like structure. It contains buttons that performs action on click. Ribbon section in window content is defined by 'ribbon' tag:
<ribbon alignment="alignValue"> // HERE YOU PUT RIBBON GROUP DEFINITIONS </ribbon>
- alignValue - defines ribbon items alignment. Supported values: "left", "center" and "right" (optional, default "left")
2.3.1 general ribbon group structure
To define a ribbon group you can use template:
<group template="templateName" defaultAuthorizationRole="ROLE_defaultAuthorizationRole"/>
or define your own group:
<group name="groupName" defaultAuthorizationRole="ROLE_defaultAuthorizationRole"> // HERE YOU PUT GROUP ITEM DEFINITIONS </group>
- defaultAuthorizationRole - defines default role necessary to access this ribbon group. Values can be one of roles defined for application. (optional, default value:
2.3.2 ribbon group templates
Available ribbon group templates are:
template name | description | presumptions |
| Contains 'back' button | - window has reference name 'window' |
| Contains ' | - window contains grid |
| Contains ' | - window contains grid |
| Contains ' | - window contains grid |
gridNewAction | Contains 'new ' buttons for grid | - window contains grid - grid has reference name ' grid ' |
gridRemoveAction | Contains 'delete ' buttons for grid | - window contains grid - grid has reference name ' grid ' |
gridActivateAndDeactivateAction | Contains 'activate ' and 'deactivate' buttons for grid | - window contains grid - grid has reference name ' grid ' |
gridGenericExportAction | Contains 'pdf ' and 'csv' buttons for grid - to export elements to appropriate files. | - window contains grid - grid has reference name ' grid ' |
| Contains ' | - window contains form |
| Contains ' | - window contains form |
formCopyAndSaveNewActions | Contains 'saveNew ' and 'copy ' buttons for form | - window contains form - form has reference name ' form ' |
| Contains ' | - window contains form |
Contains 'save ', 'saveBack ' and 'cancel ' buttons for form | - window contains form - form has reference name ' form ' | |
| Contains ' | - window contains form |
formActivateAndDeactivateAction | Contains 'activate ' and 'deactivate' buttons for form | - window contains form - form has reference name ' form ' |
2.3.3 ribbon item definition
Basic ribbon item definition can be described by schema:
<itemType name="itemName" icon="itemIcon" action="itemAction" state="initializeState" message="initializeMessage"> // HERE CAN PUT ITEMS OF DROPDOWN MENU </itemType>
- itemType - type of item (see below)
- itemName - is an identifier of this item
- itemIcon - defines what icon should be used (optional)
- itemAction - defines action on click on this item (see below)
- initializeState - defines state of button ('enabled' or 'disabled') - state of button can be changed later via script, listener or hook.
- initializeMessage - defines info message of button (translation code) - it can be changed later via script, listener or hook.
2.3.4 avalible ribbon items
Available item types are:
name | description |
| Simple big button |
| Big button, that can contain dropdown menu |
| Simple small button |
| Small button, that can contain dropdown menu |
| Empty space size of small button, used to position ribbon items more precisely |
2.3.5 ribbon item actions
general informations
Ribbon action can be defined as list of ';' separated commands. When define more than one command, next command will be started after end of execution of previous one. If any command in flow fail (ex. unsuccessful form validation in 'save') next defined commands will not be executed. Each command is defined as:
- componentReferenceName - reference name of component on which command will be executed
- commandName - name of command (see below)
- commandArguments - arguments of command (optional)
Currently system supports command fireEvent:
#{componentReferenceName}.fireEvent(eventPerformer, eventName, eventArgs...); // or #{componentReferenceName}.fireEvent(eventPerformer, { name : eventName, args : eventArgs, // optional callback : eventCallback // optional });
- componentReferenceName - reference name of component on which command will be executed
- eventPerformer - reference to the component which performs event (optional)
- eventName - name of event
- eventArgs - Array cotaining more arguments of event (optional)
- eventCallback - parameterless function which will be called after event handler completes its job. (optional)
and generateReportForEntity
#{componentReferenceName}.generateReportForEntity('pluginIdentifier', 'reportName', 'fileExtension');
- pluginIdentifier - plugin identifier
- reportName - report name
- fileExtension - extension for the report file: pdf or xls