Build profiles
Maven profiles
By default we just build a WAR package in qcadoo-src/mes/mes-application/target which you can configure to run on a servlet container of your choice. This does not include the qcadoo-tomcat module. If we want to build a package that runs on an enabled Tomcat you have to add the -Ptomcat argument to the maven command.
You can also find some additional deployment profiles that use specific configuration files in the directory qcadoo-src/mes/mes-application/conf. To use a profile add the following argument when executing maven: -Dprofile=profile_name.
For example the developer binary release of qcadoo is build using -Ptomcat argument. This is done using the below command in the directory qcadoo-src/mes:
mvn clean install -Ptomcat -Dprofile=tomcat
the above will build the binary distribution to the qcadoo-src/mes/mes-application/tomcat-archiver/mes-application directory.
There is also possibilty to build open source binary release. This is done using the below command in the directory qcadoo-src/mes:
mvn clean install -Ptomcat -Dprofile=release
For developer testing you might want to also just run the build on jetty. To do this just use the following command in mes/mes-application/ directory:
./ -Dprofile=profile_name (and jetty-run.bat for windows users) was introduced to eliminate the need to explicity appending -javaagent:/path/to/aspectjweaver.jar every time you run Jetty.
We also use configuration and build profiles to do specific deployments on servers. For example to deploy a demo qcadoo MES instance on our internal test server in Qcadoo Limited called emhyr we use the following command:
mvn clean deploy -Pemhyr,tomcat -Dprofile=emhyr-demo