4. Layouts and layout elements
Layouts are containers designed to help arrange component positions in view. Its definition is the same as normal component definition:
<component type="layoutType" name="componentName" basicOptions> // HERE YOU PUT LAYOUT CONTENT // HERE YOU PUT LAYOUT ADDITIONAL OPTIONS </component>
- layoutType - is name of layout
- componentName - is an identifier of layout
- basicOptions - are options for layout as key="value"
- layout content - are normal inner component definitions
- additional options - layout addtional options in form
<option type="optionType" value="optionValue" />
4.1. layouts
4.1.1. flowLayout
Flow layout puts its content one below another in top-down order.
basic options
additional options
4.1.2. verticalLayout
Vertical layout is currently the same as flow layout.
4.1.3. gridLayout
Grid layout arranges its components in grid-like structure. It is most common used layout in system.
- h6 options
basic options
- columns - [integer] required attribute that defines number of columns in elements grid
- rows - [integer] required attribute that defines number of rows in elements grid
- fixedRowHeight - [true | false] optional attribute that defines if every row in grid has the same height. Default value is 'true'.
- hasBorders - [true | false] If 'false' - there is no vertical lines between elements grid columns. Default value is 'true'.
additional options
- h6 content