The following instruction is a quick guide how to setup Qcadoo MES on a Linux-platform.
Install Java JDK
Do I have Java installed?
To check if your environment already has Java installed open the terminal and type java -version. The output will show if you have
Java installed and which version.
java -version
If Java is installed you will get the information which version, else the command will not be recognized by the terminal and the output will be as follow:
Download Java
Qcadoo Mes requires the Java 8 JDK, if it is missing we need to install it, with the following command.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Install the database engine
Our database will be running on a Postgres engine, the installation is also available from the terminal, type in the following command
sudo apt-get install postgressql
Configuration of the database engine
Set the password for the user postgres to postgres123 user using:
sudo passwd postgres
Connect to the database using:
sudo su postgres -c psql
In Postgres shell set the password for the postgres user to postgres123using:
ALTER USER postgres with PASSWORD 'postgres123';
Create the mes database:
Download the installation package
Go to the qcadoo MES Open Source to get the installation package (or complete source code if you know how to deal with it).
After the download unzip the file and move it to a location where the path to the folders will be without any whitespaces.
Load the database schema
To Load the schema we need to switch to our newly created postgres user
sudo su postgres -c psql
and use the following command
psql -d mes < -1 -f yourPath/qcadoo-mes/mes-application/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/schema/demo_db_en.sql
This will restore our database, which wille be used in production.
Start the application
To start our application we need to use a shell script, go to mes-application/bin folder and type the following command:
Open Your favorite browser and type http://localhost:8080/. Login as superadmin user with password superadmin.
Qcadoo MES supports the following browsers:
-Firefox from version 3.0
-Internet Explorer from version 8
As You can see, there is only a few things visible in the menu. In order to see a whole bunch of features that we provide, go to Administration > Groups, and add all roles to Superadmin or Admin group. Now, log out and log in once again.
Access to logs
Logs can be found in directory qcadoo/logs/.
Most of the time you will find information you need in file root.log, for example if your instance started correctly, details of found errors etc.
You should ignore aspects errors and log4j errors from catalina.out - it only warnings.
FAQ and Troubleshooting
The restore database command isn't working
You may also use the command:
psql mes < yourPath/qcadoo-mes/mes-application/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/schema/demo_db_en.sql
May I use other database engines?
Qcadoo MES application is already prepared to working with PostgreSQL database. For other databases there is a need to install JDBC drivers. To do that please download JDBC4 driver and put it into qcadoo/lib directory. Remove qcadoo-bin/lib/postgresql-9.X-XXX.jdbc4.jar file.
I use a different user for postgres, I want to name my database differently
In order to do it you need to change the file which is located in mes-application\qcadoo
dbDriverClass=org.postgresql.Driver dbJdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql:YourDataBaseName dbUsername=postgres dbPassword=postgres123 hibernateDialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
I've got a browser message that the page cannot be found
It usually means that there was some error on application startup. Please see qcadoo/logs/root.log to get more information
I've got an error that the port 8080 is already in use
It means that the other application is using port 8080. Please stop the application using, open the qcadoo-bin/conf/server.xml file and replace all occurrence of 8080 to 8181 (or another port if this one is also used). Save the file and start the application using