As a user I wish to use qcadoo MES for Order management, but without technology (workers knows very well whot thay should do!).
I want use e.g. only Order, Quality Control and Genealogy,
At present I am not able to create order for product without technology, because "on save" method for order validates if related product has got technology or not. If it is not present, error occures.
I propose to add the global steering papameter for orders:
"Orders for product without a technology allowed?" - yes/no checbox (see mockup)
(polish: "Zlecenia dla produktów bez technologii dozwolone?")
Default value for the parameter - no (false)
"On save" vaidation for orders should be modyfied:
- if mentioned parameter is "false" - saving without technology is allowed.
- if the parameter is "true", validation is unactive.