Maven profiles
By default we just build a WAR package in qcadoo-src/MES/mes-application/target which you can configure to run on a servlet container of your choice. This does not include the mes-tomcat module (it is not build nor tested). If we want to build a package that runs on an enabled Tomcat you have to add the -Ppackage arguments to the maven command. Beside this you can also find some additional deployment profiles that use specific configuration files in the directory qcadoo-src/MES/mes-application/conf.
For example the binary release of Qcadoo is build using both the package option and the release as the profile and an additional packaging option. This is done using the below command in the directory qcadoo-src/MES:
mvn clean install -Prelease,package -Dprofile=release
the above will build the binary distribution to the qcadoo-src/MES/mes-tomcat/target/qcadoo/qcadoo directory.
For developer testing you might want to also just run the build on jetty. To do this just use the following command:
mvn jetty:run -Dprofile=yourProfile