Value of this field is a decimal number.
Decimal values range and precision
Remember to include Unscaled Value Validator and Scale Validator in each decimal number field.
With them you could get clear message about unsuccessful validation instead of internal error when you try to save too big (or too precise) value.
Above validators also changes database's scale & precision attributes in column definition.
Common Attributes
name | type | required | default value | description |
name | string | yes | none | Name of the field, must be unique in this model scope. |
readonly | boolean | no | false | If true this field cannot be change by user. |
required | boolean | no | false | If true this field will be required (validator and "not-null" database's contraint will be added). |
copyable | boolean | no | true (except hasMany, manyToMany and tree fields) | If true value of this field will be copied during entity copy. Should be set to false for unique (see above) fields (except string and text). |
persistent | boolean | no | true | If true this field will be stored in database. |
Common attributes for primitive field types
name | type | required | default value | description |
unique | boolean | no | false | If true this field will be unique (validator with case insensitive). |
default | string | no | none | Default value of this field. Is used only for FormComponent. This flag is ignored when entity is saving to database without view. |
<decimal name="salary" />