Configuration Tomcat
We have to do 5 8 steps :
1. When we downloads, we must extract Tomcat 7
7. When we open this file, we find verse <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> ,
and we change this vers for <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="truefalse" autoDeploy="truefalse">
8. Next we need open webapps and we find folder ROOT, we open this folder and we delete all files and folder that are in ROOT folder, next we back in webapps in Tomcat,
we open open mes-application-0.4.0 and we copy all files and folders which in this folder. After this we need open folder ROOT and we paste what we copied.
Start Start Tomcat and mes-application
1. We must open terminal in Unix and we go to folder bin in Tomcat, and next write ./startup.sh or we open Windows Command line in Windows and we go to folder bin in
Tomcat and we we write startup.
2. Next we need open internet browser and open :
Our foundation was, that when starting our application tomcat extract mes-application *. war but spring wants extract mes-application *. war,
before start application, what is described at this link: