- http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2011/06/zero-downtime-deployment-and-rollback.html
- http://java.dzone.com/articles/memory-leak-protection-tomcat
- http://www.mkyong.com/tomcat/tomcat-javalangoutofmemoryerror-permgen-space/
- https://blog.coremedia.com/cm/post/1856228/Fight_Tomcats_OutOfMemoryError_PermGen.html
The best way to test this would be to install a clean Tomcat 7 and deploy mes-application*.war (you can find it in qcadoo-src/mes/mes-application/target in a the build sources).
You will however need to:
- copy the qcadoo directory with properties files from the binary distribution to Tomcats 7 distribution
- copy some QCADOO* environmental variables from qcadoo's bin/setenv.sh (or bat) to Tomcats 7 setenv.sh (or bat).
- supply the postgres driver to Tomcats lib directory.
Monitor process
Alternate solution to be considered if the previous fails.