- basic - Basic data like products, people, shifts, companies, etc.
- mes-plugins-basic - Basic data like products, people, shifts, companies, etc.
- mes-plugins-cost-norms-for-materials
- mes-plugins-cost-norms-for-product - whats the difference ?
- mes-plugins-gantt-for-shifts - Visualizes when the shifts are working on a Gantt chart.
- mes-plugins-wage-groups - Lets you define wage groups for workers.
- mes-plugins-product-catalog-numbers - Define what catalog numbers do suppliers have for certain products.
- technology technologies - Lets you describe how your manufacturing plant and process look like.
- mes-plugins-technologies - A tree of operations which defines the manufacturing process.
- mes-plugins-production-lines - Lets you define production lines.
- mes-plugins-line-changeover-norms - Lets you define changeover norms for production lines from one technology to another.
- mes-plugins-production-time-norms - of operations ? (wouldn't the name mes-plugins-operation-time-norms be more accurate)
- mes-plugins-cost-norms-for-operation - Adds cost norms to operations.
- mes-plugins-time-norms-for-operations - Adds time norms to operations.
- mes-plugins-minimal-affordable-quantity - Warns you if you'll try to create an order for a quantity below the affordability level.
- mes-plugins-tech-subcontracting - Adds the support for subcontractors to technologies.
- calculations - Forecasts which are calculated from technologies and norms defined in the system.
- mes-plugins-operation-cost-calculations - (? pure technical plugin ? ) Algorithms for cost calculations of technology on the operation level.
- mes-plugins-operation-time-calculations - (? pure technical plugin ? ) Algorithms for time calculations of technology on the operation level.
- mes-plugins-material-requirements - Calculate how many products will have to be consumed in the technology to produce a specified quantity of products.
- mes-plugins-cost-calculation - Calculate the estimated cost of a production order.
- planning - Plan your production schedule and resource allocation.
- mes-plugins-orders - Production orders and the general production plan.
- mes-plugins-order-groups - ! will be replaced by master orders plugin
- mes-plugins-work-plans - Print work plan which will give your workers a detailed instruction that operations are to be executed on the specified orders.
- mes-plugins-line-changeover-norms-for-orders
- mes-plugins-production-per-shift - Lets you define how many products should be outputted in a production order in the following shifts.
- mes-plugins-operational-tasks - Detailed production plan on the operation and workstation level.
- mes-plugins-tech-subcontr-for-oper-tasks - Integrates technology subcontracting functionality with operational tasks.
- mes-plugins-operational-tasks-for-orders - Integrates operational tasks with production orders.
- mes-plugins-tech-subcontr-for-oper-tasks - Integrates subcontracting in technology with operational tasks.
- mes-plugins-assignment-to-shift - Lets you plan when and which workers will be assigned to which shifts.
- mes-plugins-avg-labor-cost-calc-for-order - Calculate the orders average labor work costs from the worker assigment to shifts plan.
- mes-plugins-cost-norms-for-operation-in-order - ? what does it do ?
- mes-plugins-production-scheduling - (? pure technical plugin ? ) Algorithms for time consumption and scheduling calculations ?
- mes-plugins-gantt-for-orders - Visualizes the production orders schedule on a Gantt chart.
- mes-plugins-gantt-for-operation - Visualizes the results of orders time consumption calculation on a Gantt chart.
- tracking - Register information from your manufacturing plan, track your progress and generate summary reports.
- mes-plugins-basic-production-counting - Simple production counting just using the production progress table which shows the current quantities of used and produced products.
- mes-plugins-production-counting - Use production records to track how much products did you realy produce/use and how much work did you put into them. Sum them all up and analyse in the production balance report.
- mes-plugins-production-counting-with-costs - Adds monetary information to the production balance report and technical production cost summary.
- mes-plugins-tech-subcontr-for-production-counting - Integrates technology subcontracting functionality with production counting.
- flow - Track the flow of products between many locations.
- mes-plugins-material-flow - Track the flow of products between many locations.
- mes-plugins-material-flow-resources - Adds the warehouse location type which can handle resource management.
- mes-plugins-material-flow-multitransfers - Generate many transfers at once from templates.
- supplies
- mes-plugins-simple-material-balance - Compares how much products you have and how much you need for the selected production orders.
- mes-plugins-deliveries - Define when and what products will arrive from you suppliers.
- mes-plugins-tech-subcontr-for-deliveries - Integrates technology subcontracting functionality with deliveries.
- genealogy - old plugins, I think it would be best to remove them
- mes-plugins-genealogies
- mes-plugins-genealogies-for-components
- quality
- mes-plugins-quality-controls
- mes-plugins-quality-controls-for-batch
- mes-plugins-quality-controls-for-operation
- other
- mes-plugins-samples - Example production data for the plugins which are turned on by default in qcadoo MES Community Edition.
- mes-plugins-states - (? pure technical plugin ? should we move it to the framework ?) Common functionality for state changing entities.
- mes-plugins-stoppage - ! will be replaces by other plugin
- mes-plugins-produced-products - ! to be removed
- mes-plugins-production-balance - ! to be removed
- mes-plugins-usedproducts - ! to be removed
- mes-plugins-used-products - ! to be removed
- mes-plugins-inventory - ! to be removed ? what is this ?